
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Open call for the ARHIBAU.HR 2022 scientific conference application

Autor/izvor: DAZ 08/06/2022

Dear colleagues,

Zagreb Society of Architects is inviting experts of various profiles to participate in ArhiBau.hr 2022 conference with a presentation displaying their own scientific research relevant to the topic. The professional and scientific conference is part of the fair of the building culture and sustainable development and will be held from 5th to 8th of October 2022 in the largest sport hall in Croatia, the Arena Zagreb.

The central theme Challenges of Recovery and Resilience poses exciting challenges for the construction sector and the architectural profession which are invited to create solutions for complex issues of ensuring accelerated economic recovery and green transition for sustainable development, as well as greater resilience to future crises. The four-day program of the fair and the accompanying conference deals with topics that will engage stakeholders in the construction sector: from buyers to suppliers, from engineers to contractors, from investors to managers and insurers, from laymen to professionals, from the real sector to civil society, institutional sector and public administration.

Throughout numerous sections the conference will examine the challenges of projects related to recovery and resilience, the frameworks of building culture in the 21st century, contemporary architecture and urbanism, architectural heritage, the New European Bauhaus initiative, buildings renovation and maintenance, architectural production related to tourism, real estate and development, infrastructural megaprojects and more.


We invite experts willing to participate in the ArhiBau.hr 2022 conference to submit their professional and scientific work either within the aforementioned topics or outside the proposed framework.

Key research findings should be delivered as brief lectures (lasting 7 - 20 minutes) or in the form of posters.

After reviewing the received abstracts, the scientific and programme board of ArhiBau.hr 2022 will get back to you.


Deadline for sending the abstracts is 15th of July 2022.

Information on acceptance of the topic will be delivered via email by 20th of July 2022.

Deadline for submission of the final PowerPoint presentations is 5th of September 2022.

Deadline for submission of your selected qualified article for review process and publication is 30th of October 2022.


The official co-organizer of the scientific conference is Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU).

The official language of the conference is English. Authors should submit proofread papers, along with graphic and other contributions for which they have obtained copyright.

The conference participation fee and paper publication fee will be announced subsequently.




We are looking forward seeing you this autumn in Arena Zagreb, where we shall devote to scientific discussions and presentations!


Scientific and programme board of the Scientific conference:

Luca Maria Francesco Fabris, PhD (Polytechnic University of Milan)

Peter Ferschin, dr. techn. (Vienna University of Technology)

Maurice Harteveld, PhD (Delft University of Technology)

Vladimir Lojanica, PhD (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture)

Svetislav G. Popović, PhD (University of Montenegro, Faculty of Architecture)

Josipa Mijoč, PhD (University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics)

Josip Atalić, PhD (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering)

Dražen Arbutina, PhD (Zagreb University of Applied Sciences / ICOMOS)

Zrinka Barišić Marenić, PhD (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture)


Programme board of the professional conference:

Tihomil Matković, Zrinka Barišić Marenić , Dražen Arbutina, Tea Helman Jukić, Ervin Mihelj, Bojan Linardić, Bojan Baletić, Stjepan Lakušić, Rajka Bunjevac, Nina Dražin Lovrec, Mia Roth Čerina, Svetlana Perović, Vedrana Likan, Sunčana Rapaić



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Društvo arhitekata Zagreba
Trg bana Josipa Jelacica 3/1
t +385 1 4816151

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