Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

letti, federica, Autor
internicola, ignazio, Autor arhitektonskog rješenja
prioreschi, massimiliano, Autor arhitektonskog rješenja
calabrese, federico, Autor arhitektonskog rješenja


The Badel Block

How do we integrate ourselves to an historical industrial tissue and an established working and residential district ?
How do we retain the individual identities and allow them to interact within a single, shared block?

Breaking from the typical heaviness of the surrounding masses, providing an intermediate and more human scale, creating links to the market square and the city core.
Defining views, avoiding vis-a-vis, diversifying urban typologies - These are the tools we will use to design the Badel Block.

We will push the city through the Badel Block and extend it inside of our own site.
Our aim is to provide to the Badel Block its own unique identity and sense of place whilst being an integral part of a much wider and vibrant centre, facilitating links with other surrounding areas and the city core.

We want to create high quality spaces and places where people want to live, work and play, use the internal paths as a new network of interaction. Building a sense of ownership and pride, encouraging a shared community spirit.

The presence of the tram and the school indicates a need for connections, showing the dynamism and the strategic position of the site.

Only in this way can a development of this scale be truly sustainable whilst also complementing Zagreb’s unique character and heritage.

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Status projekta Natječaj


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t +385 1 4816151

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