
Mamaia Seaside, Constanța

Autor/izvor: DAZ 05/07/2023

The Romanian Order of Architects (OAR), together with the Contracting Authority – The National Administration ”ROMANIAN WATER”, in association with the Bazinal Water Administration Dobrogea-Litoral, are glad to announce the official launch of the „MAMAIA SEASIDE, CONSTANȚA” International Design Competition.

The purpose of the competition is to select the best project for the complex design of the beaches in the Mamaia resort, in the county of Constanta, for the award of the design services contract.
The intervention area proposed for the competition, the new beach resulting from the widening and beach nourishment process, is located in the northern part of the city of Constanța, bordering the Mamaia resort to the west, the Black Sea to the east, and Năvodari beach to the north. The beach is part of the natural strip that separates Lake Siutghiol from the Black Sea, a predominantly flat coastal area with fine sand and a relatively mild marine climate.
The aim of the competition is to select the best solution for the planning and development of the beach area in accordance with the nature and specific landscape of the Black Sea coast, a solution capable of integrating the elements of the built space, its specific activities and the necessary facilities open to the accessibility of all categories of users, and last but not least, takes into account the principles of biodiversity and sustainability. This competition encourages creativity while supporting urban, landscape, and architectural research toward an integrated concept for the redesign of the current beach area.
In addition to and in accordance with this general vision, competitors are invited to submit more detailed proposals for functionalization and ambience, as well as typologies of constructions and facilities, proposals that will be the object of the design projects. Participants are thus invited to align the tourism-resource-nature relationship with contemporary urban and landscape thinking, demonstrating that they can restore balance in this highly disputed area.
The Contracting Authority of the competition is The National Administration ”ROMANIAN WATER” in association with the Bazinal Water Administration Dobrogea-Litoral, the beneficiary of the project which will be contracted following the competition. The competition is organized by the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR), in accordance with the OAR Good Practices Guide for Design Competitions (edited in Romanian – Ghidul de bune practici în organizarea concursurilor de soluții OAR, rev. 2022), in compliance with the provisions of the legislation in force regarding the award of public procurement contracts.
The Design Competition is a public, single-stage competition, open to Romania, all countries of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, and to the Swiss Confederation. The design competition is organized as an independent procedure, in accordance with art. 105 letter b) of Law no. 98/2016 regarding public procurement, and subsequently, pursuant to provisions under art. 104 para. (7) of the same law, the design services contract is to be awarded to the winner of the competition, following a negotiation procedure without prior publication of a participation announcement.
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