Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

Halilović, Lamija, Autor
Mrkonjic, Đana, Izrada makete
Mrkonjic, Aida, Autor urbanističkog rješenja


The main idea of this concept is based on functions that this block has had trough history. One of these functions are entrant point to the city and custom - first point of acquaintance of visitor with this town. These functions were reminiscence and inspiration that lead to designing the point of introduction to all important and positive features and facts of Zagreb and Croatia – place to live Croatia in small. This square should also respond in space to some important squares as Ban Jelacic square in Zagreb.
Concept idea develops in form of THREE AREAS based on necessary functions, surrounding area and urban configuration of the site. Three areas are: LIVING, SHOPPING&STAY and CULTURE. Function that serves all these areas is SERVICE – underground garage. One of important points of this concept is ACCENT. It is implemented in this concept to represent a referral spatial point of orientation in the city and as a point from which you can see and get introduced with most parts of the city from above. Concept development begins with preconception ideas and materializes them. In this way LIVING AREA becomes residential building block with internal courtyard and greenery, SHOPPING&STAY AREA is composed from medium shopping center and small hotel capacity. CULTURE AREA is composed of converted Distillery into gallery/museum and big square with cultural content. Square is also planned to contain four rectangular spots with four different topics: NATURE, INNOVATION, HISTORY and CROATA. Also on this square, from the other side of preserved wall of Gorica would be a stage made from characteristic squares that could also symbolize Croatian flag and represent music spot. Concept is named Badel Update because of space enrichment by new functions and urban configuration.

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