We propose to implement the current development process with public participation. We think there is no optimal solution but a plenty of them. These closed proposals can fulfil the expectations of certain groups or accomplished the diverse understandings of what the future of the city should be. However the city cannot depend on the success of a visionary idea. Therefore, we propose an open process to make sure the different sensibilities are taken into consideration in order to live in a city as complex and diverse as the society that lives in it.
Not only the Municipality, a main private investor and the architects and urban experts should be able to express their hopes or ideas for the future of Badel Block. Also potential users such as small investors, business potential owners, local associations or citizens should have the chance to participate. In order to meet these unlinked agents we create the Open Block Agency
We are used to closed design processes that show the architect as the oracle and the spaces or the buildings as finished objects. We understand the city as the ongoing result of complex and diverse dynamics, and the role of the architect as the manager of these energies always ready to operate on unexpected scenarios.
The process is divided in three stages. The first one takes 12 months and the second one will last two more years. The third one is open to the uncertain future. This is one of the last opportunities of Zagreb to boldly take part in its centre.
We propose to refurbish the Distillery in order to use it as the office for the Open Block Agency and to hold the several events and workshops through the process.The agency also operates online.
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Jedan od dva jednakovrijedna OTKUPA, u iznosu od brutto 28.350,00 kn (cca 3.780,00 €) (Natječaj za izradu idejnog urbanističko-arhitektonskog rješenja za Blok Badel u Zagrebu) 27.05.2012