Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

Sanz, Helena, Autor
Varas, Eduardo, Autor
Galindo, Julian, Autor urbanističkog rješenja
Berges del Arco, Maria, Autor arhitektonskog rješenja
Esteban, Cristina, Autor arhitektonskog rješenja
Cabistany, Jaume, Projektni tim, izrada vizualizacija
Zaera, Elena, Suradnik - dizajn
Gil, Ramir, Suradnik - dizajn
Cambeiro, Gerard, Suradnik - dizajn
Silva, Oscar, Suradnik - dizajn
Solana, Carmen, Suradnik - konstrukcija
Vallvè, Pineda, Suradnik - vizualizacije


From cell to Skin: Urban DNA’s Zagreb
In this particular district of Zagreb nor buildings neither blocks are duplicated; instead, the enriched dialectic found in continuous and carefully demarcated spaces, which follow the plot of distinct mobility infrastructures and undefined, opened, discontinued spaces that remain isolated closed in urban bubbles. The city section shows us the alternation of the characteristics of these two logics: the alignment of the facades’ continuity that that helps to formalize the streets independently of the interior pieces.
In Badel Parks the perimeter is broken perforating the hard crust block to discover an exuberant, disquiet and insolent interior, where: new activities are in interaction, a diversity of architectonic objects coexist. The heritage value lives in its use capacity, in continuing to be useful in the new socio-economic structures. The purpose is not freezing objects to preserve them from time; moreover, it’s about providing them meaning throughout times. Melting different theme parks encourage many itineraries associated to different activities, making a group of diverse thematic systems. Heritage Park, urban park, Commercial Park, car park, Business Park, environmental park, residential park, public service, Leisure Park).
The program displays in two clearly different ways, following the guidelines in which urban materials are organized. On dispersed way in a three floor spongy baseboard associated with two levels of parking and chained by an overlapping set of stairways and elevators that develop different architectural objects. On the other hand the buildings as architectural objects, articulated through an innovative technological garden as a new urban space, distanced from the cultural spaces linked to heritage.

Predani prilozi
Prezentacijski plakat
Projektna knjižica

Status projekta Natječaj

Tvrtke koje sudjeluju
TICTOC Taller Obert de Concursos Projektant
H+E Architects Autor


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t +385 1 4816151

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