Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

Romić, Krešimir, Autor
Hudoletnjak, Željko, Autor
Kozina, Petar, Autorski suradnik


The Badel Ferris wheel, a magical stage of lived space and lived time. The starting point for ideas was to create a mobile, adaptable, transformable project that could be wonderfull, and for the people of Zagreb in the true sense of the word. So instead of building more office space, luxury apartments or retail, we wanted to make, not only the Badel block, but the city of Zagreb more desirable. Therefore, the capacity to accomodate change could be the most important factor in determining economic efficiency in sustainability terms. The Badel block would be transformed into a public park. It could be an architecture that depends, for its character, as much on the changing combinations of its environment, as on its own form. Cost reduction was a prime objective as a sheer reflection of the economic change, also putting into context the modern Europeization of Zagreb as a strong reference point, only to came up with an idea of a self sustainable landmark, the Badel Ferris wheel. The Badel Ferris wheel would become the highest point in Zagreb easily becoming one of it`s new landmarks and a popular tourist attraction, as a direct response to contemporary problems and oppotunities that arise from cultural, societal and functional needs putting Zagreb on a tourist map while giving its residents lots of quality public space in the downtown area.

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