Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

Turohan, Rea, Autor
Morandi, Paolo, Autor
Bagarotti, Erica, Autor
Levi, Laura, Autor
Iandoli, Flavia, Konzultant
Fantoli, Federica, Elaboracija nacrta


Preserve the historical memory of the city, and planning for the future means groped to understand the evolution of the city and try to interpret it. Zagreb is a growing city and the rehabilitation of this site, which is configured as one of the primary accesses to the city, may be an opportunity to realize a project that is valuable not only for this area but rather for the entire city.
First, the project is a project for the city and citizens, there is nevertheless seemed interesting to try to assess how the project for the Badel site could become an attraction and a pleasant experience for those who come to Zagreb like travelers.
Badel site is, on the other hand, a unique area also with respect to the immediate context. While Badel configures itself as one of the least accessible city block, its inside is a large open area readily releasable, and the whole building density is concentrated primarily on the perimeter, the more consolidated are the buildings along the street and Vlaska to the square Trg Kvaternikov.
Our project has restored the buildings of both the Gorica and the distillery, the first and re-functionalized like a library, and the second turned into a large covered square at the center of a new pedestrian internal grid block. Existing buildings are flanked in new places on the edge of the area freed by the other old buildings, mainly a hotel on Pavla Šubića and a residential building to complete the building of the east edge of the block.
Inside the block instead it was decided to design a system of public spaces for gardens and shopping. At the base of a large tower articulate the new reading room and media center open to all, the wellness center is also accessible from the outside and covered square of coffee (obtained in the volume of ex-distillery).

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Status projekta Natječaj


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