Competition for the urban-architectural concept design for the BADEL SITE redevelopment

hui, sam sam, Autor arhitektonskog rješenja


Splash has the notion of energy and tension. It’s phycial form is also reflecting the nearest market cross the road which currently full of red umbrellas for shading. The proposal shows the ''umbrella form'' shading with different height are located in the middle of new Badel block. It serves the practical purpose of connecting the new public areas in both end of the site by a cover walkway as well as providing standing out architectural quality with interesting shadow and depth.

The proposal is aimed to reorganise the site as a whole for public usage, which will increase the circulation of the area arround Badel block and eventually this will contribute not only to the public space user but also in a bigger idea of increasing business opportunity and improve local living standard in general.

Apart from the architectural feature as mentioned. The functions of the site is divided by different public spaces in terms of function. Most of the facility in the proposal are for free commition activities. the future income of this project will be gained by the obvious increase of user circulation so that garantee the business of the commercial units and City hotel.

Predani prilozi
Prezentacijski plakat
Projektna knjižica

Status projekta Natječaj

Tvrtke koje sudjeluju
3oclock studio Autor


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