Main objective of proposal is establishing a successful new part of the Zagreb city centre – dense and bursting with activity, attractive to new residents and users; a lively and vibrant city quarter with Central European scale and ambience, recognising and correctly evaluating the urban potential of the site.
A strong emphasis is put on public space of highest quality, inspired by Zagreb’s most beloved squares and streets. Old distillery with adjoining proposed “Badel” square is recognized as a focus of such fine grained pedestrian network which radiates towards the perimeter of site, bringing inflows of people from neighbouring streets and nearby public transport routes.
Within said pedestrianized space a strong urban figure is established – three perimeter blocks are introduced, containing potent mix of living, working, leisure, shopping and culture. This typology is chosen as adequate to the context and as proven resilient and sustainable throughout history. Here it is upgraded for the next century, building upon the best of Zagreb’s urban planning tradition.
Cohesive whole is established, with a prominent presence in its urban context, not as an architectural icon with short-term attractiveness and limited lifetime but as a strong urban figure with recognisable and layered timeless identity.
Proposed concept provides a strong base for a long term sustainable future of the site with its built-in flexibility and resilience: it enables simple and effective phased realization of the project. Also, there’s a clear definition of public and private stakeholders in their natural domains and capacities, enabling synergistic effects further down in the process.
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