In this project we apply the concept of plastic integration of the functional structures into artificial
natural environment with the preservation of the locality identity. The main aim of this conception
is the transformation one of the most inaccessible for the community city block in the Lower Town
and the quality creation of new urban space, which consist the system of the inner-blocked public
areas with the historic distillery.
This distillery is the main accent of the area surrounded by the
amphitheatre of the green slope (general access and system of the serpentine walkways) with
the integrated complex of public and residential buildings in it with
wooden facades (which conform the principles of ecological construction and the idea of creating
an artificial eco-system) and extra verdure on the flat of street facades and the roof of the coplex.
Green slopes, crossing the facade line, give a signal of the preparedness for the dialogue between
the existing building and the projected one, facade’s plastic of which will create a new landmark of
the Lower Town.
This project is oriented for the creation of the benevolent social and ecological space for community,
for active communication and social life in the center of the city.
The traffic on the territory of complex is forbidden, parking places are in the underground part of
complex, pedestrian, bicycle movement s have the absolute priority.
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